Thursday, December 12, 2013


Since moving to Italy, I've become a huge Duck Dynasty fan. I found out they were going to visit Aviano on a USO tour about a month ago. I could hardly contain my excitement! I've been talking Nick's ear off about them! They were planning to come and talk to the base in a big hangar at 7:30pm on December 11th. I was so excited at the thought of just being in the same room as them!

When the 11th arrived, I drove Nick to work. We'd been talking about doing a lunch date when he was working nights, and we finally had the opportunity. Unfortunately, Nick got a call to go into work right as we were ordering, so we didn't get to eat together after all. I dropped him off at the squadron, and decided to go eat my food in the squadron bar.
About 20 minutes into my lunch, Nick came running in and informed me that he would be running a simulator training for the Duck Dynasty crew and other celebrities. I was so excited and a tad bit jealous. I told him I wanted to go so bad! He said, "Well, you're coming too!" I was bouncing off the walls!

I went back home and changed...then I ripped my skirt as I was running out the door, and changed again. Haha!

It wasn't long after I arrived to the sim building that they walked in the door. There were only a few of us there to greet them, so we definitely got one- on -one time with them. I was so star struck I could hardly put two words together. (Yes, two words...not two sentences.) :)

As we headed into the actual simulator room no one warned me about the vents on the floor. I walked ahead of the group trying to stay out of their way, only to give them a show. My skirt went flying up! I grabbed it as quickly as I could but it was too late. Well, I guess they won't be forgetting me anytime soon!

We watched them play with the simulators for about 20 minutes and then took a few photos in the hallway and outside.

We had so much fun! Ok..I had so much fun, and I think Nick had fun too. :) This made my year!! I'm still grinning from ear to ear! I'm so happy I got to meet them! I don't know if there's anyone I would have rather met in this world. (Well, at least not celebrities.)
I hope I get to meet them and the rest of their family again at some point. This girl is a Duck Dynasty fan for life!

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